The word, 'Dendritic', comes from Greek and means 'tree-like' which perfectly describes the look of many examples of this gemstone with markings and inclusions that look just like branches and leaves or even complete trees or forests. It has deep connection to plants and makes one to connect strong with mother earth.Actinolite Cat's Eye 62 Agate 577 Agate Geode 22 Almandine Garnet 42 Amazonite 211 Amethyst 2,983 Amethyst Geode Slice 88 Ametrine 251 Ammolite 480 Andalusite 214 Andesine Labradorite 155 Apatite 607 Aquamarine 165 Aventurine 121 Azotic Topaz 23 Azurite 28 Black Opal 167 Bloodstone 146 Boulder Opal 238 Carnelian 47 Cat's Eye Apatite 41 Cat's Eye Aquamarine 19 Cat's Eye Gemstones 1,073 Cat's Eye Moonstone 98 Cat's Eye Opal 96 Cat's Eye Scapolite 111 Chalcedony 86 Charoite 148 Chocolate Opal 78 Chrome Diopside 54 Chrysoberyl 119 Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye 138 Chrysocolla 80 Chrysoprase 64 Citrine 4,157 Color Change Gemstones 891 Color-Change Diaspore 762 Color-Change Fluorite 62 Color-Change Garnet 67 Coral 301 Demantoid Garnet 257 Dendritic Agate 52 Diamond 503 Druzy Amethyst 6 Druzy Azurite 28 Druzy Citrine 55 Druzy Variscite 135 Emerald 871 Enstatite 5 Fire Agate 357 Fire Opal 204 Fluorite 215 Fossil Coral 335 Garnet 5,860 Golden Beryl 216 Grandidierite 198 Grossularite Garnet 54 Hawk's Eye 1 Hematite 388 Hemimorphite 50 Hemimorphite Druzy 50 Hessonite Garnet 2,140 Howlite 157 Idocrase 24 Imperial Topaz 13 Iolite 210 Jade Gemstones 354 Jadeite 354 Jasper 1,232 Kornerupine 264 Kunzite 121 Kyanite 602 Labradorite 492 Lapis Lazuli 153 Larimar 185 Malachite 208 Malaya Garnet 171 Mali Garnet 15 Maw-Sit-Sit 136 Moonstone 816 Morganite 889 Moss Agate 42 Mother Of Pearl 108 Mystic Quartz 35 Mystic Topaz 75 Nuummite 132 Obsidian 257 Onyx 311 Opal 1,007 Opal Doublet 8 Opal In Matrix 21 Pearl 23 Peridot 1,357 Pietersite 627 Prehnite 865 Psilomelane Dendrite 23 Pyrite 18 Pyrope Garnet 1,900 Quartz 1,373 Quartz Cat's Eye 92 Quartz With Hedenbergite 10 Quartz With Marcasite 196 Rainbow Moonstone 539 Rainbow Pyrite 199 Rhodochrosite 163 Rhodolite Garnet 552 Rhodonite 18 Rose Quartz 803 Rubellite Tourmaline 24 Ruby 1,122 Ruby In Fuchsite 97 Ruby-Zoisite 223 Rutile Quartz 598 Sapphire 7,470 Scapolite 111 Scolecite 37 Seraphinite 63 Serpentine 82 Sillimanite 80 Sillimanite Cat's Eye 416 Smithsonite 1 Smoky Quartz 1,130 Snowflake Obsidian 42 Sodalite 26 Spectrolite 170 Spessartite Garnet 300 Sphalerite 107 Sphene 404 Spinel 883 Star Diopside 16 Star Garnet 50 Star Gemstones 919 Star Moonstone 111 Star Rose Quartz 20 Star Ruby 188 Star Sapphire 534 Strawberry Quartz 910 Sunstone 514 Tanzanite 755 Tiger's Eye 856 Tiger's Eye Matrix 14 Topaz 4,493 Tourmaline 1,943 Tsavorite Garnet 312 Turquoise 117 Variscite 11 Zircon 2,169 Different colors of this stone identifies to different chakras.Īlso, known as stone of plentitude it brings fullness in any phase of life. As a healing stone, it is known to curb all kinds of illnesses related to stomach.ĭendritic agate stimulates our root chakra that is the base of the spine and controls the physical energy of the body.

Also, it is a protection stone and a helper in communicating with the universal healing powers. Russians believe this stone to be an invitation of prosperity and wellness. In India, it is often referred as, ‘Mocha stone’. It has a rich historical significance as it is being used by the Egyptians for over 3000 years and is thus, among the oldest gemstones. It is among the rarest categories of stones and is rarely found in different parts of the world like, Australia, Madagascar, US, Namibia, Mexico, Magnolia, India and even China. It is a special stone which has a translucent texture and is found in a variety of colors like, brown, black, grey or even colorless. Dendritic Agate is another precious stone from the Agate family sometimes they are also called as tree agate.